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Cornerstone: Interface – Inspector

It is likely that you’ll spend the majority of your time in Cornerstone on the Inspector pane. The Inspector pane is what will allow you to tap into your elements (including sections, rows, and columns) and update their appearance to suit your design. If you’ve just...

Cornerstone: Interface – Elements

Elements are the true core of Cornerstone because without them there wouldn’t be anything to create with! The Elements pane itself is pretty straightforward as it is simply a visual library of the elements included in Cornerstone to work with:      ...

Cornerstone: Interface – Layout

Cornerstone’s Layout Pane is where everything begins! This is where you will start by laying out your core structure in the form of sections, rows, and columns. Before we get into the actual mechanics of doing this, let’s delve a little deeper into what each of these...

Cornestone: How to get into the editor

There are a couple different ways to get to the front-end editor portion of Cornerstone: Click on a page or post you want to edit with Cornerstone in the WordPress admin area. Above the WordPress editor and to the right you will notice a tab named “Cornerstone” next...

What is Cornerstone?

At its core, Cornerstone is a collection of shortcodes which can be utilised to build out complex page layouts with near infinite customisability. Beyond that though, it’s much, much more. Cornerstone takes these integrated shortcodes and provides alongside them a...