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20 Years Serving You!
20 years ago, we could never have imaged where our business would be today. It's been an amazing journey and we have worked with some fabulous clients along the way, many of whom are still with us today. So, a big thank you from all of the team at loyaltyMATTERs....
Granting Access to your Google and Facebook accounts
In preparation for setting up and running your Google Ads, Google Re-Marketing, Facebook, Twitter Or LinkedIn ads we need you to give us access to your various accounts. The instructions for this are below: Google Analytics 1. If you don't have a Google Analytics...
The complete guide to Google Analytics campaign tracking
When an email bounces, a Non-Delivery Report/Receipt (NDR) is automatically generated by the recipient's mail server, informing the sender about a delivery problem to a specific email address. At NewZend (the email marketing brand by loyaltyMATTERS) we place the...
We’re excited to announce a great new feature that will improve collaboration when we’re designing and building new websites for clients. Introducing our new ‘feedback widget’! The ‘feedback widget’ is a piece of software developed by a company called ‘userback’. It...
Getting re-permission from your marketing list
New GDPR regulations come into force next month and you need to ensure that you have adequate, GDPR compliant, permission to continue to send emails to them. If you don't, you have a window of opportunity between now and the 25th May 2018 to get their permission. The...
Is your marketing data compliant for GDPR?
Ok, exactly how up-to-date are your current email marketing lists? Do you have an accurate record of how and when an individual gave you permission for them to be added? Have you even sought permission? With the new GDPR regulations coming into force next month...
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How To Build A Best Practice Web Site
Web design is more than simply aesthetics. For your web design to be a lead generating asset for your business, it needs to balance great looks with the more complex world where UX, accessibility, and business goals all need to connect. In this article we look at the...
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